Leadership is based on truth and character. A leader must have the force of character necessary to inspire others to follow him with confidence. Character is knowing what you want to do and having the determination to do it, in a way which will inspire confidence in those around you or for whom you are responsible. -Anonymous Character is what makes a person great. It can be attributed to the tenacity of the person to accomplish something because it comes from the heart. 1. Character is more than talk 2. Talent is a gift, but character is a choice 3. Character brings lasting success with people 4. Leaders cannot rise above the limitations of their character How to improve your character? 1.Search for the cracks 2. Look for patterns 3. Face the music 4. Rebuild |
People support a leader sometimes because of their charisma, their ability to make people special and important. Charisma is attached to the personality of the person. How to make yourself the kind of person who attracts others? 1. Love life. People enjoy leaders who enjoy life. 2. Put a “10” on every person’s head 3. Give people hope 4. Share yourself Roadblocks to Charisma 1. Pride 2. Insecurity 3. Moodiness 4. Perfectionism 5. Cynicism How to Improve your Charisma? 1. Change your focus. 2. Play the first impression game. 3. Share yourself |
True commitment inspires and attracts people. It shows them that you have conviction. They will believe in you only if you believe in your cause.
What is true nature of commitment?
1. Commitment starts in the heart
2. Commitment is tested by action
3. Commitment opens the door to achievement
When it comes to commitment, there are four types of people…
1. Cop-outs. People who have no goals and do not commit.
2. Holdouts. People who don’t know if they reach their goals, so they are afraid to commit.
3. Dropouts. People who start toward a goal but quit when the going gets tough.
4. All-outs. People who set goals, commit to them, and pay the price to reach them.
To improve your commitment
1. Measure it
2. Know what’s worth dying for
3. Use the Edison method –let the public know about it
Developing excellent communication skills is absolutely essential to effective leadership. The leader must be able to share knowledge and ideas to transmit a sense of urgency and enthusiasm to others.
If a leader can’t get a message across clearly and motivate others to act on it, then having a message doesn’t even matter.
Four Basic Truths for Effective Communication
1. Simplify your message
2. See the person
3. Show the truth
4. Seek a response
How to Improve Your Communication
1. Be clear as a bell
2. Refocus your attention
3. Live your message
Competence goes beyond words. It’s the leader’s ability to say it, plan it, and do it in such a way that others know that you know how- and know that they want to follow you.
How to Cultivate your Competence
1. Show up every day
2. Keep improving
3. Follow through with excellence
4. Accomplish more than expected
5. Inspires others
How to Improve your Competence
1. Get your head in the game
2. Redefine the standard
3. Find three ways to improve
Courage is not the absence of fear. Courage is doing what you are afraid of; there can be no courage unless you are scared.
Truths about Courage
1. Courage begins with an inward battle
2. Courage is making things right, not just smoothing them over
3. Courage in a leader inspires commitment from followers
4. Your life expands in proportion to your courage
To Improve your Courage
1. Face the music
2. Talk to that person
Discernment can be described as the ability to find the root of the matter, and it relies on intuition as well as rational thought.
How to Practice Discernment
1. Discover the root issues
2. Enhance your problem solving
3. Evaluate your option for maximum impact
4. Multiply your opportunities
To Improve your Discernment
1. Analyze past successes
2. Learn how others think
3. Listen to your gut
If you chase two rabbits, both will escape. Focus and attention must be given one at a time to yield good result. >To Improve your Focus 1. Shift to strengths. 2. Staff your weaknesses. 3. Create an edge. < |
No person was ever honored for what he received. Honor has been the reward for what he gave.
Cultivate the Quality of Generosity in your Life
1. Be grateful for what you have
2. Put people first
3. Don’t allow the desire for possessions to control you
4. Regard money as a resource
5. Develop the habit of giving
To Improve your Generosity
1. Give something away
2. Put your money to work
3. Find someone to mentor
Initiative Success seems to be connected with action. Successful people keep moving. They make mistakes, but they don’t quit.
What qualities do leaders possess that enable them to make things happen?
1. They know what they want
2. They push themselves to act
3. They take more risk
4. They make more mistakes
To Improve your Initiative
1. Change your mind-set
2. Don’t wait for opportunity to knock
3. Take the next step
A good leader encourages followers to tell him what he needs to know, not what he wants to know. |
“No person is ever honored for what he received. Honor is the reward for what he gave.” -Anonymous We all are called to become a good leader. It is important for us to know how we can achieve a more wholistic attitude towards leadership and more balanced perspective about being and becoming a leader. |
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